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Barry E. Sullivan


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Mr. Sullivan joined BWMQ in September 2005.  He was elected President of BWMQ in April 2006 and CEO in March 2015.  At the end of 2019, Mr. Sullivan made the decision to retire his position and become an Associate. He will be available for consultation on an as needed basis. Mr. Sullivan’s recent work as an expert witness before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and Canadian National Energy Board has concerned the following issues:  market power and market-based rates in oil and natural gas pipeline proceedings, natural gas pipeline rate design, short-term rate design, return on equity, the appropriate Proxy Group companies utilized in return on equity studies, business risk of natural gas pipeline companies, oil pipeline ratemaking and prudent cost recovery, and economic life, depreciation and negative salvage studies for natural gas and oil pipeline companies in formal FERC rate case proceedings.

Mr. Sullivan’s most recent filed testimonies are in the Enable MRT - Docket No. RP18-923, Trailblazer - Docket No. RP18-922, and Empire - Docket No. RP18-940 proceedings and MoGas proceeding in Docket No. RP18-877. Mr. Sullivan's testimony concerned business risk, rate design, tariff issues and the Proxy Group companies. Testimony in the Eastern Shore Proceeding in Docket No. RP17-363, concerned rate design, business risk and the Proxy Group companies; his testimony in Dominion Cove Point in Docket No. RP17-197 concerned the Proxy Group companies and business risk; his testimony in the Great Lakes proceeding in Docket No. RP17-598 concerned the Proxy Group companies and business risk; his testimony in the TIGT proceeding in Docket No. RP16-137 concerned rate design, business risk and the Proxy Group companies; his testimony in the Alliance proceeding in Docket No. RP15-1022 concerns return, business risk and the Proxy Group companies; testimony in the Sabine proceeding in Docket No. RP15-1322 involved rate design and billing determinants; testimony in the Gulf South proceeding, Docket No. RP15-65, concerns rate design, business risk and the Proxy Group entities.  Testimony in the ANR Storage proceeding in Docket No. RP12-479 concerned market power and market-based pricing authority for ANR storage facilities; testimony in CenterPoint in Docket No. RP12-955, and Southern Star in RP13-941 concerned Proxy Group companies, business risk and rate design issues; TAPS testimony in Docket No. IS09-348 on prudent cost recovery and oil pipeline rates; CGT testimony in Docket No. RP11-1435 concerned rate design, short-term rates and business risk; PNGTS testimony in Docket Nos. RP10-729 and RP08-306 concerned economic life, depreciation, short-term rates, and the Proxy Group companies.  Mr. Sullivan filed testimony in support of El Paso’s rate design in Docket No. RP10-1398; market power in the Mobil Pipe Line Company proceeding in Docket No. OR07-21; the Proxy Group companies included in return calculations in the Southern Natural proceeding in Docket No. RP09-427; short-term value-based rates, FERC cost allocation and rate design history, and discounting in the El Paso proceedings in Docket No. RP08-426; Commission policy and market power in the GTN proceeding in Docket No. RP06-407, an expert report in the USGen proceeding in Docket No. RP06-391, and oil pipeline ratemaking testimony in the TAPS proceeding in Docket No. IS05-82.

Mr. Sullivan has 38 years of experience in the natural gas pipeline, oil pipeline and electric utility industries.  His areas of expertise include formal market power analysis and all facets of natural gas and oil pipeline ratemaking.   He has testified as an expert witness on economic life, depreciation, cost classification, cost allocation, rate design, billing determinants, market power, market-based rates, market manipulation and other rate-related issues in numerous natural gas pipeline proceedings, oil pipeline proceedings, and electric proceedings.   

Mr. Sullivan was employed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission from March 1979 to September 2005.  He retired as a Supervisor in the Technical Analysis Division of the Office of Administrative Litigation.  Mr. Sullivan was a technical expert for the entire 26 years he was at the Commission and provided testimony in many formal proceedings.  The areas of his expertise included: formal market power analysis, market based rates, cost allocation and rate design, oil pipeline regulation, electric utility regulation, depreciation, Mcf/mileage studies, refunctionalization studies, offshore regulation, negotiated rates, discount studies, and other regulatory issues. Mr. Sullivan has applied his expertise relating to natural gas pipeline, oil pipeline and electric utility issues in a wide range of formal proceedings at the Commission.  He has developed many creative and innovative approaches to deal with these and related issues in administrative proceedings at the Commission.

As a Supervisor in the Office of Administrative Litigation, Mr. Sullivan supervised, initiated, directed and coordinated the preparation and presentation of the Commission’s technical Trial Staff’s settlement and testimony position on all matters set for formal hearing in natural gas pipeline, oil pipeline and electric utility proceedings.  These issues include formal market power analysis, market based rates, rate design; seasonal rates; distance based rates; separation of services (unbundling); discounting; capacity release; capacity assignments; interruptible transportation rates; storage rate design; refunctionalization studies; stranded costs; restructuring issues; incremental versus rolled-in rates; depreciation and negative salvage; cost of service and rate base issues; oil pipeline rates; tariffs and operational issues; and the resolution of contract disputes.

Mr. Sullivan has testified as an expert witness on market power and market based rates, cost classification, allocation and rate design, billing determinants, depreciation, and other rate related issues in numerous natural gas rate proceedings, oil pipeline proceedings and electric proceedings.  He has been responsible for various presentations to FERC Commissioners on such topics as Offshore Gathering Policy, Negotiated Rates and Discounting, Enron and Manipulation of the Western Energy Markets in 2000-2001, and Section 5 rate case proceedings.

Mr. Sullivan has a BA with Honors in Economics from the University of Massachusetts at Boston, and attended one year of graduate Economics at the University of York, England.

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