Brown, Williams, Moorhead & Quinn, Inc.
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- Kevin H. Lange | BWMQ, Inc.
Kevin H. Lange Vice President Brown, Williams, Moorhead & Quinn, Inc. is pleased to announce that Mr. Kevin H. Lange has joined BWMQ as a Vice President as of November, 2022. Mr. Lange will lead the terminal decommissioning and negative salvage practice at BWMQ, including the analysis of terminal decommissioning costs, negative salvage and general pipeline operations. Mr. Lange is a seasoned Professional Engineer, with over twenty-eight years of utility design and construction, storm water management, project management, highway design and construction management, utility and roadway estimating experience both in the U.S. and overseas. Immediately prior to joining BWMQ, Mr. Lange served as Vice President / Project Director for Grade Line Engineering & Construction, LLC. His responsibilities included all day-to-day operations of construction activities, including both project management and engineering services for utility line installations of new water, sanitary and bio retentions, as well as roadway improvements. CV and Summary of Managed Cases
- Alan R. Lovinger | BWMQ, Inc.
Alan R. Lovinger MBA Accounting Mr. Lovinger has more than forty five years experience in the energy field. He was employed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission from July 1976 through February 1998, when he left to join BWMQ. As a Staff Accountant, he specialized in cost of service matters with an emphasis on income tax matters. Mr. Lovinger gained knowledge in the income tax field through employment with the Internal Revenue Service as an Internal Revenue Agent for more than six years. Mr. Lovinger provided expert testimony on accounting and accounting-related policy matters before the Commission. He also provided expert testimony on tax matters before the Commission and has provided accounting and tax advice and assistance on projects involving construction of facilities to serve new or expanded markets. Mr. Lovinger was involved in the Commission’s activities on such matters as competition, restructuring, stranded costs and market based rates. Mr. Lovinger has represented the Commission in dealings with the Internal Revenue Service on income tax issues that arose in various rate proceedings. He also assisted the Commission on rulemakings for such cost of service matters as tax normalization, cash working capital and Post Retirement Benefits other than Retirement. Mr. Lovinger received a B.S. in Business Administration with a major in management from Bryant College, Rhode Island, in 1965 and did graduate work at Texas Tech University majoring in Accounting. CV and Summary of Managed Cases
- Expertise | BWMQ, Inc.
Expertise BWMQ is an energy consulting firm that provides thorough analytical expertise and high-powered advocacy across a wide range of energy issues at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and state regulatory agencies. Public Utility Rate Regulation FERC and State Proceedings Cost-Based Rates Market-Based Rates Oil Pipeline Rates Intrastate Filings Electric Transmission Rates Learn More Public Utility Advisory Services Certificate Applications FERC Compliance Litigation Support Market Power Analysis Mergers & Acquisitions Assessments Regulatory & Tax Accounting FERC Uniform System of Accounts Learn More Public Utility Filing Services FERC Electronic Filings Regulatory Compliance Training E-Tariffs Electric Quarterly Reporting (EQR Filings) FERC Electric § 205 & 206 Proceedings FERC Natural Gas Pipeline § 4 & 5 Proceedings FERC XBRL Financial Filings Learn More Highlighted S ervices Business Risk & Rate of Return Depreciation FERC Income Tax Allowance Market-Based Rates for Natural Gas Storage and Hub Services Terminal Decommissioning Learn More
- Rate Regulation | BWMQ, Inc.
Public Utility Rate Regulation BWMQ advises clients regarding the complex arena of regulatory policies and procedures in the development of cost-based rates, market-based rates, tariff provisions, asset acquisitions, depreciation & negative salvage rates, terminal decommissioning rates, and tax allowances. Cost-Based Rates Brown Williams can assist in the development of fully allocated rate models which bring together the myriad of costs into a single interrelated cost and revenue study suitable for section 4 filings and section 5 responses. Some areas include: Establishing Rate Base Allocation and Rate Design Setting Return on Equity Calculating Cost of Debt Estimating Terminal Decommissioning Setting Depreciation Rates Deriving Corporate Taxes Functionalizing Costs Market-Based Rates To gain FERC approval to charge market-based rates, an applicant must file a detailed market power study demonstrating that it lacks market power and that its customers have sufficient alternatives or that it can mitigate its market power. BWMQ has been at the forefront of market-based rate design and participated in litigated FERC proceedings involving market-based rate applications for both pipelines and storage facilities. BWMQ can provide an initial market power study to help the client determine whether it is likely that market-based rates can be justified, and follow through with the documentation and persuasive reports to support its client’s needs. Natural Gas Storage & Hub Services Natural Gas Pipeline Transportation Services Natural Gas Liquids Pipeline Transportation Services Oil Pipeline Transportation Services Oil Pipeline Rates BWMQ has wide experience in all facets of crude oil and refined product pipelines rate matters, including cost of service, rate design, federal and state taxes, and prudency issues. Annual Indexing Cost of Service Oil Ratemaking Methodologies Trans-Alaska Pipeline System Trended Original Cost Intrastate Filings BWMQ supports intrastate entities seeking to provide interstate transportation and/or storage services using either state-approved rates or cost of service rates. Hinsaw Pipeliens Statement of Operating Conditions Intrastate Applications Electric Transmission Rates BWMQ assists clients working under RTO, ISO, or TRANSCO structures to craft tariff provisions, develop transmission pricing parameters, and power sales. Congestion Management Zonal/Grid Rates Ancillary Services Revenue Allocations Grid Expansion Costs Treatment of Pre-Exiting Agreements
- Barry E. Sullivan | BWMQ, Inc.
Barry E. Sullivan Economist Mr. Sullivan joined BWMQ in September 2005. He was elected President of BWMQ in April 2006 and CEO in March 2015. At the end of 2019, Mr. Sullivan made the decision to retire his position and become an Associate. He will be available for consultation on an as needed basis. Mr. Sullivan’s recent work as an expert witness before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and Canadian National Energy Board has concerned the following issues: market power and market-based rates in oil and natural gas pipeline proceedings, natural gas pipeline rate design, short-term rate design, return on equity, the appropriate Proxy Group companies utilized in return on equity studies, business risk of natural gas pipeline companies, oil pipeline ratemaking and prudent cost recovery, and economic life, depreciation and negative salvage studies for natural gas and oil pipeline companies in formal FERC rate case proceedings. Mr. Sullivan’s most recent filed testimonies are in the Enable MRT - Docket No. RP18-923, Trailblazer - Docket No. RP18-922, and Empire - Docket No. RP18-940 proceedings and MoGas proceeding in Docket No. RP18-877. Mr. Sullivan's testimony concerned business risk, rate design, tariff issues and the Proxy Group companies. Testimony in the Eastern Shore Proceeding in Docket No. RP17-363, concerned rate design, business risk and the Proxy Group companies; his testimony in Dominion Cove Point in Docket No. RP17-197 concerned the Proxy Group companies and business risk; his testimony in the Great Lakes proceeding in Docket No. RP17-598 concerned the Proxy Group companies and business risk; his testimony in the TIGT proceeding in Docket No. RP16-137 concerned rate design, business risk and the Proxy Group companies; his testimony in the Alliance proceeding in Docket No. RP15-1022 concerns return, business risk and the Proxy Group companies; testimony in the Sabine proceeding in Docket No. RP15-1322 involved rate design and billing determinants; testimony in the Gulf South proceeding, Docket No. RP15-65, concerns rate design, business risk and the Proxy Group entities. Testimony in the ANR Storage proceeding in Docket No. RP12-479 concerned market power and market-based pricing authority for ANR storage facilities; testimony in CenterPoint in Docket No. RP12-955, and Southern Star in RP13-941 concerned Proxy Group companies, business risk and rate design issues; TAPS testimony in Docket No. IS09-348 on prudent cost recovery and oil pipeline rates; CGT testimony in Docket No. RP11-1435 concerned rate design, short-term rates and business risk; PNGTS testimony in Docket Nos. RP10-729 and RP08-306 concerned economic life, depreciation, short-term rates, and the Proxy Group companies. Mr. Sullivan filed testimony in support of El Paso’s rate design in Docket No. RP10-1398; market power in the Mobil Pipe Line Company proceeding in Docket No. OR07-21; the Proxy Group companies included in return calculations in the Southern Natural proceeding in Docket No. RP09-427; short-term value-based rates, FERC cost allocation and rate design history, and discounting in the El Paso proceedings in Docket No. RP08-426; Commission policy and market power in the GTN proceeding in Docket No. RP06-407, an expert report in the USGen proceeding in Docket No. RP06-391, and oil pipeline ratemaking testimony in the TAPS proceeding in Docket No. IS05-82. Mr. Sullivan has 38 years of experience in the natural gas pipeline, oil pipeline and electric utility industries. His areas of expertise include formal market power analysis and all facets of natural gas and oil pipeline ratemaking. He has testified as an expert witness on economic life, depreciation, cost classification, cost allocation, rate design, billing determinants, market power, market-based rates, market manipulation and other rate-related issues in numerous natural gas pipeline proceedings, oil pipeline proceedings, and electric proceedings. Mr. Sullivan was employed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission from March 1979 to September 2005. He retired as a Supervisor in the Technical Analysis Division of the Office of Administrative Litigation. Mr. Sullivan was a technical expert for the entire 26 years he was at the Commission and provided testimony in many formal proceedings. The areas of his expertise included: formal market power analysis, market based rates, cost allocation and rate design, oil pipeline regulation, electric utility regulation, depreciation, Mcf/mileage studies, refunctionalization studies, offshore regulation, negotiated rates, discount studies, and other regulatory issues. Mr. Sullivan has applied his expertise relating to natural gas pipeline, oil pipeline and electric utility issues in a wide range of formal proceedings at the Commission. He has developed many creative and innovative approaches to deal with these and related issues in administrative proceedings at the Commission. As a Supervisor in the Office of Administrative Litigation, Mr. Sullivan supervised, initiated, directed and coordinated the preparation and presentation of the Commission’s technical Trial Staff’s settlement and testimony position on all matters set for formal hearing in natural gas pipeline, oil pipeline and electric utility proceedings. These issues include formal market power analysis, market based rates, rate design; seasonal rates; distance based rates; separation of services (unbundling); discounting; capacity release; capacity assignments; interruptible transportation rates; storage rate design; refunctionalization studies; stranded costs; restructuring issues; incremental versus rolled-in rates; depreciation and negative salvage; cost of service and rate base issues; oil pipeline rates; tariffs and operational issues; and the resolution of contract disputes. Mr. Sullivan has testified as an expert witness on market power and market based rates, cost classification, allocation and rate design, billing determinants, depreciation, and other rate related issues in numerous natural gas rate proceedings, oil pipeline proceedings and electric proceedings. He has been responsible for various presentations to FERC Commissioners on such topics as Offshore Gathering Policy, Negotiated Rates and Discounting, Enron and Manipulation of the Western Energy Markets in 2000-2001, and Section 5 rate case proceedings. Mr. Sullivan has a BA with Honors in Economics from the University of Massachusetts at Boston, and attended one year of graduate Economics at the University of York, England. CV and Summary of Managed Cases
- Robert J. Cupina | BWMQ, Inc.
Robert J. Cupina Petroleum Engineer Robert J. (Rob) Cupina has joined Brown, Williams, Moorhead & Quinn, Inc. after a distinguished 36-year career at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the Federal Power Commission. Mr. Cupina was the Principal Deputy Director of the Office of Energy Projects from 2001 to 2009. He directed a staff of 330 engineers and physical scientists responsible for processing applications for the construction and operation of natural gas pipeline and storage facilities for interstate and foreign commerce, including liquefied natural gas (LNG), and licenses for non-federal hydroelectric projects, as well as managing the license compliance and dam safety programs and the supplemental siting authority for interstate electric transmission facilities under EPAct 2005. Mr. Cupina's many major energy infrastructure accomplishments include: issuing an open season rule as a prerequisite to an Alaska natural gas pipeline, significant expansion of LNG terminals and the interstate pipeline grid, rules for electric transmission siting and creation of the infrastructure policy group and the hydrokinetics program. Mr. Cupina was the Director of the Division of Tariffs and Rates - Central in the Office of Markets, Tariffs and Rates in 2000 to 2001. He directed a staff of 75 economists, accountants and engineers responsible for analyzing filings for rates and services by electric utilities for the transmission of electric energy and by natural gas pipeline companies for the transportation of natural gas. The Central Region included the Midwestern U.S. and the offshore Gulf of Mexico. His major concentration at the time was organizing a new Office and implementing Order No. 2000 to establish regional transmission organizations (RTOs) and Independent System Operators (ISOs). Mr. Cupina also served as the Deputy Director of the Office of Pipeline Regulation from 1989 to 1999, where he directed a staff of 170 regulatory professionals responsible for siting natural gas pipeline, LNG and storage infrastructure and analyzing the operators' rates and terms and conditions of service. His major accomplishments include pipeline expansions to California and the Northeast and issuing and implementing Order No. 636 to restructure the gas industry. Mr. Cupina is thoroughly familiar with the Commission's licensing and certification process improvements embodied in the Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) for hydroelectric projects and the Pre-Filing Process (PF) for natural gas and electric transmission projects. They are based on three essential components: early identification and resolution of issues by stakeholders, coincident rather than sequential action by the myriad agencies involved using a single administrative record, and meeting specific, predictable milestones and overall processing timeframes. Compared to the traditional approaches, these processes place a premium on flexibility and collaboration. Mr. Cupina has been a tireless advocate for expediting the process and enhancing the quality of deliverables throughout his career. Mr. Cupina educational background includes: MPA Public Management, George Mason University BS Technology Management, University of Maryland SMG, Harvard Kennedy School of Government Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Pennsylvania State University CV and Summary of Testimony Experience
- Alex Kirk | BWMQ, Inc.
Alex Kirk Mathematician Economist Mr. Kirk holds a B.S. in Mathematics and Economics from Linfield College, and a Masters in Economics from the University of Washington, with a focus in econometrics and natural resources. Since joining BWMQ in 2007, Mr. Kirk has testified on issues involving natural gas supply and demand, pipeline competition, and cost-of-service levelization for natural gas pipeline rate cases. At BWMQ, Mr. Kirk has also assisted clients with storage and pipeline market-based rate applications, economic life determination for natural gas pipelines, business risk, rate design and both traditional and levelized cost-of-service modeling. Prior to joining BWMQ full-time, Mr. Kirk was an instructor for Principles of Microeconomics and Natural Resource Economics courses at the University of Washington. Mr. Kirk also participated in environmental tort litigation consulting with Greenfield Advisors, and economic analysis at the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department. CV and Summary of Managed Cases
- Teresa C. Douglas | BWMQ, Inc.
Teresa C. Douglas Research Analyst / eTariff Manager Ms. Douglas has over 36 years experience in the energy industry. She has been with Brown Williams Moorhead & Quinn Inc. since its inception in 1986, and was employed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission from 1982 to 1986 in the Office of Pipeline Producer Regulation. Ms. Douglas has extensive knowledge of energy databases and reference materials from which to extract pertinent information in a timely manner. She has provided technical assistance to BWMQ’s consultants in the development of spreadsheets used for cost and ratemaking analysis. In addition, Ms. Douglas possesses a thorough knowledge of FERC’s filing requirements and has assisted clients with electronic filings in various tariff, certificate and rate applications submitted to the FERC. Pursuant to FERC Order 714, many filings and submittals to FERC are required to use the electronic XML schema format. In order to make electronic filings, each regulated entity is required to obtain a company ID and password. Ms. Douglas has assisted clients with their company registrations with FERC to obtain their unique Company ID and passwords and she has also assisted with revisions to company registrations due to company name changes and/or change of address. Ms. Douglas operates BWMQ’s proprietary eTariff software program that supports natural gas, electric, and oil pipeline industry electronic filings, to create XML packages as required by FERC Order 714. She has created hundreds of XML packages and tested them on FERC’s “sandbox” test site for accuracy and troubleshoots any and all errors until corrected. After the testing process, the client is given the option to either make the filing themselves or Ms. Douglas can make the filing on their behalf, once she is designated as a filing agent in the company's registration with FERC. Also, FERC has implemented a new filing process for filing Electric Quarterly Reporting (EQR) Filings beginning with the reporting of the 3rd Quarter for 2013 (October 2013). The change was implemented due to technology changes that rendered the filing process in use obsolete. Instead the Commission has adopted a web-based approach to filing EQRs that will allow a filer to submit EQRs directly through the Commission’s website as per Order No. 770, Revisions to Electronic Quarterly Report Filing Process, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,338 (2012). Ms. Douglas is available to assist clients with their EQR filings in a cost effective manner, using the new EQR filing requirements, as set forth by FERC. On August 19, 2001, FERC issued an Adopted Revision of Information Collection to Order No. 860 (RM16-17-000) and Order No. 860-A, which changed the process in how the FERC collects information for the market-based rate relational database (MBR Database). Ms. Douglas has assisted her clients by working closely with them to provide the necessary data in the new filing format, as well as testing and troubleshooting each submission before submitting the filing into the MBR Database.
- Edward C. Gallick, Ph.D. | BWMQ, Inc.
Edward C. Gallick, Ph.D. PhD Economist Dr. Gallick has over thirty years of experience in developing and managing complex analyses of market power, antitrust, and competition issues in regulated and unregulated industries at Federal Regulatory Agencies. Dr. Gallick’s areas of expertise include development of competition analyses for market-based rate proposals in the natural gas pipeline, oil pipeline, and electric industries; merger analyses in regulated and unregulated industries; exclusive dealing arrangements, nonprice payments; and development of litigation strategy and expert economic testimony. Before joining BWMQ, Dr. Gallick was the Manager in the Competitive Analysis Group, Office of Administrative Litigation at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in Washington, D.C. Dr. Gallick established precedents in litigated and nonformal proceedings on how to analyze market power issues and developed the economic framework to determine whether market power concerns exist in natural gas pipeline, crude oil pipeline, and electricity markets. Dr. Gallick planned litigation strategy in competitive analysis and market power proceedings at the Commission. Dr. Gallick reviewed, edited, and approved all testimony on all substantive issues concerning competition, market power, and efficiency for the Office of Administrative Litigation. Dr. Gallick conducted seminars on market power issues, and advised the Commission on criteria for assessing market power in geographic markets in both origin and destination markets. Dr. Gallick's research on market power issues has resulted in the publication of two books. While at the FTC, Dr. Gallick published a book that concluded that the market for U.S. harvested tuna was competitive despite a market structure that appeared to be dominated by only three buyers of tuna (i.e., possible "monopsony" market power). While at the FERC, Dr. Gallick published a second book that estimated the potential effect of entry on the level of competition in the relevant geographic markets for delivered natural gas under the assumption that price and entry regulation is removed. Prior to his employment at BWMQ and the FERC, Dr. Gallick worked at the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission. He holds a BA in Economics from the California State University at San Francisco, an M.A. in Economics from UCLA and a Ph.D. in Economics from UCLA. CV and Summary of Managed Cases
- James (Jim) Guest | BWMQ, Inc.
James (Jim) Guest CPA Accountant Mr. James Guest has over 45 years of experience in the electric, natural gas, and oil industries. Mr. Guest began his career in the energy industry in 1974 when he joined the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. During Mr. Guest’s tenure at the Commission, he served in various positions of increasing responsibilities, including as the Chief Accountant of the Commission. While at the Commission, Mr. Guest directed the development and implementation of the major regulatory accounting policy initiatives affecting the gas pipeline, electric utility and oil pipeline industries. He guided the Commission's regulatory accounting programs through the restructuring of both the natural gas and electric utility industries and provided counsel and advice to senior Commission staff on a wide range of financial accounting, reporting, cost allocation and cost-of-service matters. He also played a major role in implementing the agency's compliance audit and financial reporting programs for the industries and presented expert testimony on a number of accounting matters before the Commission. Mr. Guest was a frequent speaker at meetings of industry accounting executives, state public utility accounting staff, and the major U. S. public accounting firms. Mr. Guest received a B.S in Accounting from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1974. He is a Certified Public Accountant and a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. CV and Summary of Managed Cases
- Bruce Warner, CPA | BWMQ, Inc.
Bruce Warner, CPA MBA, CDP, CFF, Taxes Mr. Warner has over 35 years of experience as a consultant, CPA, Certified Depreciation Professional (CDP), forensic accountant, strategic planner and regulatory executive. For 25 years, he served in regulatory, strategic planning and accounting management capacities for Williams Gas Pipelines-West and Kern River Gas Transmission Company. His management experience includes: rates and governmental affairs, property and inventory accounting, financial reporting, regulatory research, tariffs, nominations and strategic planning. While the Director of Regulatory and Governmental Affairs and Manager of Rates and Strategic Planning in those organizations, he directed the litigation or settlement of six complete natural gas pipeline rate cases, two postage stamp vs. zone rate hearings and one storage service unbundling proceeding. Mr. Warner testified and/or presented testimony on regulatory policy, rate design, levelized and traditional rates, cost of service, capital structure and depreciation issues before the Federal Regulatory Energy Regulatory Commission. He sponsored evidence on transmission depreciation, unit-of production depreciation, negative salvage, depreciation of levelized assets and depreciation rates for general plant. He directed the litigation and testified for Williams' Alaskan refinery before the Regulatory Commission of Alaska in a state rate case pertaining to the oil pipeline rates charged on the Trans Alaska Pipeline System. He testified before the British Columbia Utilities Commission in a comparative pipeline hearing. He testified on the impact of regulation on valuations in ad valorem tax proceedings before the Utah and idaho state tax commissions. He testified before the Nebraska state commission on issues pertaining to new gas pipelines. Mr. Warner managed Williams Gas Pipeline-West’s strategic planning function and facilitated effective strategies for the business unit. During that period, he directed financing, cost of service and rate studies and strategies for investments in expansion projects ($2 billion), including for Northwest Pipeline Corporation, Kern River Gas Transmission Company, and the Georgia Straight Pipeline Project, a project to deliver gas from Washington State to Vancouver Island in British Columbia. Since joining BWMQ in 2006, Mr. Warner has provided services to natural gas pipelines, electric generators, oil pipelines, natural gas producers, refineries, gas and electric distributors, and state agencies. Projects have included: cost of service, depreciation and rate design work for rate cases and infrastructure expansion projects; providing studies of emerging industry issues (LNG, fuel and lost and unaccounted-for gas); evaluating potential acquisitions for midstream, gas pipeline and gas and electric distribution clients; performing competition and marketing studies; forensic accounting for litigation in the oil pipeline industry; bankruptcy claim valuation; studies to value electric generation assets; and providing income tax consulting associated with master limited partnerships. He has provided training courses on regulatory and financial topics for clients and the industry. Mr. Warner graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting from Brigham Young University in 1975. He received an MBA degree from the University of Utah in 1981. He is a licensed certified public accountant in Utah and was formerly licensed in Illinois. Mr. Warner is certified in financial forensics by the American Institute of CPAs. Mr. Warner has held Series 7 and Series 63 securities licenses. While working for Arthur Andersen & Co. in Chicago and San Francisco during the 1970s, his audit clients included a variety of banks, and gas and electric utilities. He has prepared income tax returns for corporations, LLCs and partnerships and has advised clients on a variety of income tax issues. Mr. Warner has served his community in Rotary International. He taught accounting, income tax and finance courses at the University of Phoenix. Mr. Warner has taught finance, auditing and business english at Xi'an International Studies University in Xi'an, China as part of the BYI China Teachers Program. CV and Summary of Managed Cases
- Patrick R. Crowley | BWMQ, Inc.
Patrick R. Crowley Economist Patrick Crowley is a regulatory energy consultant with over 40 years experience as an economist and expert witness in energy litigation as an independent consultant and an analyst with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in Washington, D.C. Mr. Crowley established Crowley Energy Consulting in 2007, offering technical analysis and expert testimony in energy litigation involving natural gas pipeline, oil pipeline, and electric transmission matters before federal and state regulatory commissions. As a private consultant, Mr. Crowley provided cost of service studies, depreciation studies, rate design models, and comparative cost studies for numerous clients. Mr. Crowley prepared and filed written testimony, affidavits, and comments before FERC, and provided oral testimony supporting his filed positions in numerous rate case proceedings. While an employee at FERC, Mr. Crowley filed written testimony and was cross-examined in numerous rate case proceedings, participated in hundreds of settlement negotiations, prepared and reviewed discovery for litigation, prepared and filed supporting exhibits and documentation in litigated rate cases, and led multi-disciplinary teams in rate case analysis and the investigation of energy market abuses. Mr. Crowley graduated from DePaul University in Chicago with a Bachelor of Arts in economics in 1976 and a Master of Arts in mathematical economics in 1978. He joined the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in 1979. He held various positions within the FERC, gaining proficiency at long-term natural resource discovery & production forecasting, actuarial analysis of physical plant life span expectancies, depreciation accounting, regulatory cost-of-service rate making, rate base composition, cost allocation methodologies, partnership income tax allowance, energy market bidding platforms and strategies, pipeline rate design, master limited partnership income allocation structures, market power analysis, and market anomalies investigation. CV and Summary of Managed Cases