Brown, Williams, Moorhead & Quinn, Inc.
Energy Consultants
Teresa C. Douglas
Research Analyst / eTariff Manager

Ms. Douglas has over 36 years experience in the energy industry. She has been with Brown Williams Moorhead & Quinn Inc. since its inception in 1986, and was employed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission from 1982 to 1986 in the Office of Pipeline Producer Regulation.
Ms. Douglas has extensive knowledge of energy databases and reference materials from which to extract pertinent information in a timely manner. She has provided technical assistance to BWMQ’s consultants in the development of spreadsheets used for cost and ratemaking analysis. In addition, Ms. Douglas possesses a thorough knowledge of FERC’s filing requirements and has assisted clients with electronic filings in various tariff, certificate and rate applications submitted to the FERC.
Pursuant to FERC Order 714, many filings and submittals to FERC are required to use the electronic XML schema format. In order to make electronic filings, each regulated entity is required to obtain a company ID and password. Ms. Douglas has assisted clients with their company registrations with FERC to obtain their unique Company ID and passwords and she has also assisted with revisions to company registrations due to company name changes and/or change of address.
Ms. Douglas operates BWMQ’s proprietary eTariff software program that supports natural gas, electric, and oil pipeline industry electronic filings, to create XML packages as required by FERC Order 714. She has created hundreds of XML packages and tested them on FERC’s “sandbox” test site for accuracy and troubleshoots any and all errors until corrected. After the testing process, the client is given the option to either make the filing themselves or Ms. Douglas can make the filing on their behalf, once she is designated as a filing agent in the company's registration with FERC.
Also, FERC has implemented a new filing process for filing Electric Quarterly Reporting (EQR) Filings beginning with the reporting of the 3rd Quarter for 2013 (October 2013). The change was implemented due to technology changes that rendered the filing process in use obsolete. Instead the Commission has adopted a web-based approach to filing EQRs that will allow a filer to submit EQRs directly through the Commission’s website as per Order No. 770, Revisions to Electronic Quarterly Report Filing Process, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,338 (2012). Ms. Douglas is available to assist clients with their EQR filings in a cost effective manner, using the new EQR filing requirements, as set forth by FERC.
On August 19, 2001, FERC issued an Adopted Revision of Information Collection to Order No. 860 (RM16-17-000) and Order No. 860-A, which changed the process in how the FERC collects information for the market-based rate relational database (MBR Database). Ms. Douglas has assisted her clients by working closely with them to provide the necessary data in the new filing format, as well as testing and troubleshooting each submission before submitting the filing into the MBR Database.